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Et vous, quelles bonnes résolutions avez-vous pris pour 2015?

5 Janvier 2015 , Rédigé par Laurence B Publié dans #Santé

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A l'occasion de la nouvelle année, recevez tous mes voeux pour une année prospère avec plein de petits et grands bonheurs et une bonne santé que chacun doit considérer comme un véritable trésor!!!



          Continuez vos efforts de lecture et d'apprentissage de l'anglais afin de les mettre à profit au cours de vos rencontres et de vos voyages... Je vous souhaite de beaux échanges et beaucoup de satisfaction dans vos communications avec les autres.



Which exercise should I choose for my new year’s resolution?

After eating an average of 7,000 calories on Christmas Day, many people are resolving to exercise more. But what’s the best choice in order to get healthy?

On average = en moyenne
To get healthy = être en forme


Maybe it’s because of the 7,000 calories we eat (on average) on Christmas Day, but getting fit is the No 1 New Year’s resolution, according to a new YouGov poll. Research shows exercise reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and dementia, and helps depression. People who exercise are less likely to get breast or bowel cancer and research indicates reductions in cancer of the lining of the womb and of the lung.
To get fit/= healthy = être en forme
According to = selon
A poll = un sondage
Heart disease = maladie cardiaque
To be less likely = être moins exposé
Breast  cancer = le cancer du sein
Bowel cancer = le cancer des intestins
The womb = l’utérus
The lungs = les poumons


Doing any amount of exercise reduces the risk of dying before your time. What’s more, you may only need to exercise in short bursts: A number of studies published last year showed the benefits of “exercise snacks” – three sessions a day of interval training : one minute of brisk walking, followed by one minute of strolling, repeated six times; or one-minute intense bouts of cycling within an easy 10-minute workout. So what should you do?
To die = mourir (attention : to dye = teindre)
In short bursts = par à-coups
Brisk walking = marche rapide
To stroll = se promener, flâner
Intense bouts of cycling = périodes de pédalage intensif
Workout = séance d’entrainement


The solution

If you have a chronic condition, you should see your doctor first. It makes sense to start gently if you’re unfit. This means avoiding going “all out” for short bursts. However, the evidence for these super-short workouts is still slim. The exercise-snack study investigated the impact of intense one-minute bursts of activity before meals on the blood-sugar control of people with diabetes. The study was small (nine people) and showed better control, but not improved fitness.
A chronic condition = une maladie chronique
Gently = doucement
To be unfit = ne pas être en bonne condition physique
To avoid = éviter
To go all out = y aller à fond
Slim = mince
Before meals = avant les repas
The blood-sugar control  = le contrôle du sucre dans le sang
Improved = amélioré, meilleur


A study in the journal Plos of three minutes of intense exercise (broken into 20-second all-out sprints) within a 30-minute workout, three times a week (again, a small study of seven men and seven women, who were overweight) found it increased their maximum oxygen consumption – an indicator of physical fitness.
Overweight = en surpoids
To increase = augmenter


The evidence still shows that higher frequency, more intense exercise produces the greatest health benefits. The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the US says the evidence suggests adults need two-and-a-half hours a week of moderate exercise. Aerobic exercise can be done in 10-minute bursts. Muscle strengthening or resistance exercise is also recommended.
Higher frequency = une plus grande fréquence
Two-and-a-half hours a week = deux heures et demi par semaine
Muscle strengthening = renforcement musculaire


Whichever exercise regime you choose, you should watch your weight. Studies show that people lose barely a third of the weight you’d expect, given the calories they’ve been burning. One study of overweight women in Arizona found that while they were all more aerobically fit at the end of 12 weeks of supervised exercise, almost 70% had gained fat. The authors of the study suggest the women did less exercise outside of the study than usual and ate more.
Whichever = quelque soit
To watch your weight = surveiller son poids
Barely = à peine
A third of = un tiers de
To burn calories = brûler des calories
Supervised exercise = exercice physique « sous contrôle »
To gain fat = prendre du poids
Less … than usual = moins qu’habituellement
To eat – I ate – eaten = manger

Luisa Dillner
The Guardian, Sunday 4 January 2015 


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