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Mind your English

Une recette pour Noël qui approche: "shortbread"

10 Décembre 2014 , Rédigé par Laurence B Publié dans #Recettes britanniques



Try making these easy, buttery biscuits as homemade Christmas presents.


  • 125g/4oz butter
  • 55g/2oz caster sugar, plus extra to finish
  • 180g/6oz plain flour


Preparation method

  1. Heat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5.
  2. Beat the butter and the sugar together until smooth.
  3. Stir in the flour to get a smooth paste. Turn on to a work surface and gently roll out until the paste is 1cm/½in thick.
  4. Cut into rounds or fingers and place onto a baking tray. Sprinkle with caster sugar and chill in the fridge for 20 minutes.
  5. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until pale golden-brown. Set aside to cool on a wire rack.


Buttery = au beurre

Homemade = fait maison

Caster sugar = du sucre en poudre

Plain flour = de la farine (sans levure)

To heat the oven = préchauffer le four

To beat = battre, travailler

Until smooth = jusqu’à l’obtention d’une mousse homogène, onctueuse

To stir in = remuer, agiter en tournant, incorporer

A work surface = un plan de travail

To roll out = étaler

Thick = épais

Round or fingers = des ronds ou des bâtonnets

A baking tray = une plaque de cuisson

To sprinkle = saupoudrer

To chill = réfrigérer

To bake = cuire au four

Pale golden-brown = légèrement coloré

To set aside to cool = laisser refroidir

A wire rack = une grille

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