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Recette : mini scones au fromage et ciboulette

15 Décembre 2014 , Rédigé par Laurence B Publié dans #Recettes britanniques

Cheese and chive scone bites

These are smaller than normal scones, and so rich with molten cheese that there’s no need to split them or bother with the hassle of providing knives, butter and condiments. Just serve them as they are, still warm from the oven and enjoy in a couple of quick, greedy bites.

Molten = fondant
To split – split – split = fendre, séparer en deux
To bother = se donner la peine de
The hassle = le tracas
To provide = fournir
A knife, two knives = un couteau
The oven = le four
Greedy = gourmand
A bite = une bouchée


Ingredients : (makes 24-30)

    40g butter/ beurre
    300g plain flour / farine
    4 tsp baking powder / levure
    A pinch of salt/ une pincée de sel
    150g cheddar, coarsely grated / du cheddar râpé grossièrement
    50g parmesan, finely grated / du parmesan finement râpé
    25g chives, finely chopped / de la ciboulette, finement hâchée
    150ml milk / du lait
    2 tsp dijon mustard / de la moutarde de Dijon
    1 egg, lightly beaten, to glaze / un oeuf battu pour faire dorer


Preparation method: 

1.    Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/gas mark 6. Rub the butter into the flour until no visible chunks of butter remain. Stir in the baking powder, salt, cheeses and chives. In a separate bowl, whisk the milk and mustard together then add this to the dry ingredients. Mix gently together – you want to avoid kneading the dough or working it any more than is necessary, otherwise the dough will toughen and the resulting scones will be heavy.

To rub = frotter
A chunk = un morceau
To remain = rester
To stir in = incorporer
To whisk = fouetter, battre
Dry = sec
To avoid = éviter
To knead the dough = pétrir la pâte
To toughen = durcir
Heavy = lourd


2.    As soon as the ingredients come together to form slightly sticky dough, stop mixing. Tip the dough out on to a well-floured work surface and pat it gently to 2cm thick. Use a small round pastry cutter – no bigger than 4cm diameter – to cut circles out. Dust the pastry cutter with flour  if you find it sticking to the dough.
As soon as = dès que
Slightly sticky = légèrement collant
A well-floured work surface = un plan de travail fariné
To pat = tapoter
Thick = épais
A small round pastry cutter = un petit emporte-pièce rond
To dust = fariner


3.    Arrange the dough circles over a couple of baking trays. Brush the tops of the scones with a little egg wash, taking care not to let the glaze run down the sides. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. When done, the scones should be well-risen, golden and firm to the touch. Leave to cool and firm for 10 minutes or so. Best eaten while still slightly warm from the oven.
A baking tray = une plaque de cuisson
The tops = les dessus
The sides = les côtés
Well-risen = bien levés
Golden = dorés


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